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Celebrating our Strong Dads

Community • June 13, 2024

This Father’s Day we are tipping our hats to all the strong Dads that are part of our FHIT family! While there are many more than we can feature in one compilation, we’re highlighting a few FHIT fathers who make us here at Fhitting Room very proud! Meet them below and learn how Fhitting Room helps prepare them for fatherhood, their proud Dad moments, and even a few of their best Dad jokes for good measure. 

When did you start taking Fhitting Room classes and what keeps you coming back?
I started back in 2016 mainly at the penthouse location with Daury and Simon. What keeps me coming back is how challenging the class continues to be, the accountability, the MUSIC, and the amazing community on the UWS. – Mike R.

My wife Meri and I started taking Fhitting Room classes in 2013 (!) to get in shape for our then upcoming wedding. 11 years, 725 classes, and 2 kids later, I keep coming back to Fhitting Room because it’s a tremendous combination of strength and cardio training. The trainers are awesome, the exercises are varied, and the classes have a great vibe. – Avi G.

I started taking classes shortly after the Flatiron location opened. The energy of Fhitting Room is incredible and the instructors have not only taught me proper technique but also pushed me to a level of fitness I didn’t think was possible. – Michael M.

Favorite FHIT memory?
Winning the Survival of the FHITTEST burpee challenge two consecutive years (and beating guys a decade – or two – younger than me)! – Avi G.

One of my early FHIXes was some crazy AMRAP of burpees & lunges, and I still remember the sense of exhaustion and accomplishment after finishing it. – Michael M.

Coming to Survival of the FHITTEST this year with my wife and daughter was very fun. – David W.

Before taking my first FHIXtreme this year with Eric, I found myself asking, “Do I belong in this class?”. I quickly realized that I felt right at home – and I feel very lucky to have found other crazies that like to do extra intense workouts at 5:45AM. – Mike R. 

What’s been a proud Dad moment for you?
Watching my daughter grow and learn new things is constantly amazing. Currently, her favorite activity is bringing books to me from across the room to read to her. – David W.

Although my kids are still fairly young (9 and 5), I have already had so many proud Dad moments. Some are “big” (watching my son win a baseball championship, or my daughter ski her first black diamond trail) and some are “small” but equally important (watching my kids show kindness to another child). – Avi G.

Working out with my kids’ peers at Fhitting Room. – David M.

For me, the proudest Dad moment was teaching my older daughter how to ride a bike. Nothing compares to the pride you feel when your kid finally “gets it” and takes off on their own. – Michael M.

There is nothing sweeter or more precious in my life than being a father to my three kids. My two daughters and I have been through so much loss and grief in our lives and the tenderness and love I experience with them is truly an incredibly healing experience. Sharing our lives with my partner Lindsay and my stepson has given me more breadth, understanding and expansiveness to what it means to be a proud Dad and family man. – Peter G.

How does training in Fhitting Room classes help with fatherhood?
For one, time management. I love that classes are timed perfectly and we’re able to stretch, get after it, and cool down in 45-50 mins. Two, the time dedicated to staying fit allows me to be more active with my kids, roll around on the floor, and lift them up in all sorts of ways. – Mike R.

Any Dad will tell you that fatherhood involves a lot of SHLEPPING! Fhitting Room has undoubtedly helped me get strong, whether for carrying luggage or small human beings! – Avi G.

I’m 50 now and I want them to think of me as much younger, full of energy, and ready to tackle any adventure with them. With anything we do, being consistent and dedicated is important. So whether it’s work, fun, or health, being consistent in my approach helps me be the best role model possible. – Peter M.

Fhitting Room classes challenge me to stay within myself. In a room full of other moving bodies it can be easy to compare myself with others; but the real challenge is to stay in my lane and understand where I am relative to myself. In fatherhood, in having a house full of teenagers, I’m reminded daily of how important it is to stay within myself; to not get caught up in the prevailing emotion of others around me. – Peter G.

What do you love most about being a FHIT Dad? 
The fact that many of the other people in the community are of similar ages with kids is enormously inspiring. And those who are 5-10 years older and still putting up big weight … even more inspiring. – Mike R.

I think a lot of guys who were high school or college athletes struggle to find their athletic niche as they enter their 30s and 40s. And it’s not just about “keeping off the pounds” … strength, quickness, and flexibility help you look good, feel good, and avoid injuries. I love that Fhitting Room has helped me maintain – even expand – my athleticism into my mid-40s. – Avi G.

I love having a place that my kids see me going multiple times a week that I love. Fitness is a never ending journey with highs and lows. If you enjoy it, stick with it. If you don’t, move on. Once you find something, you just want to keep going. – Peter M.

Having people think I’m 10 years younger than I am. – David M.

You can imagine the luggage when going on family vacations with my wife and two daughters. I’m always able to lift the heaviest suitcases! – Michael M.

I love working out with others and doing something for myself. Plus, being a FHIT father allows me to stay competitive when playing basketball, volleyball, and softball with my kids. – Peter G.

Just being able to do things. I don’t want to be the kind of dad who can’t keep up with their kids running around. – David W.

Any advice for other dads looking to get into a fitness routine?
Consistency is more important than intensity. Start easy and put the work in, the true gains come over time. – Michael M.

Just start. Then it’s right foot, left foot, repeat as necessary. – David M.

The first step is always the hardest, which is showing up, but I promise you that 99%+ people at the gym, or at Fhitting Room, will not judge someone for trying to get in shape. It’s an inclusive community where we’re all trying to get better. – Mike R.

Find an activity that you enjoy and be consistent with it. It’s different for everyone. You won’t stick with something unless you enjoy it. Setting some goals is really important. – Peter M.

You and your partner need to make it part of the routine schedule. Juggling work, childcare, home life, and exercise is hard work, but my wife and I make it a priority and schedule it into our weeks. Also, sometimes Grandma comes to babysit on weekend mornings so my wife and I can take class together. – David W.

Tell us your best Dad joke!
My wife is religious about the gym. She goes 1-2 times around Christmas and after New Year’s.
Peter M.

Did you hear about the chameleon who couldn’t change color? He had a reptile dysfunction.
David M.

What was the last thing the grandfather said before he kicked the bucket? “Grandson, watch how far I can kick this bucket!”
Avi G.

Hey, did you hear the inventor of the throat lozenge died last week?
There was no coffin at his funeral, though.
Mike R.

Did you hear the joke about gaslighting?
Yes you did.
– David W.

Inspired by these FHIT fathers? Book your next FHIX here!

Father's Day