FHITspiration: Chris + Nick
Community • June 1, 2021
Nick Tomasetti and Chris Heywood are proud New Yorkers, frequent FHIXers, and fathers to a 1-year-old baby boy. On top of juggling parenting and working out, Nick is General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer at Prelude Capital, and Chris is Executive Vice President of Global Communications for NYC & Company. Read about their fitness routine, how they motivate each other, their NYC pride, and more!
Tell us about your first FHIX:
Nick: I’ve been doing Fhitting Room since you opened, so my first FHIX was many moons ago. I just had my 600th FHIX! Somewhere along the way, I started dragging Chris to Saturday classes. Now we do workouts as team bonding where I work, at Prelude Capital. It started out as once a week and now we do 3 team workouts a week.
Chris: The first class I ever took was at Flatiron. I remember thinking to myself how personal the attention was and how fun it was. I’ve never done a Fhitting Room class without Nick…he’s been my motivator. After having our baby last May, I picked up classes over LIVE! and that structure has been amazing.
How did Fhitting Room LIVE! help you stay connected during COVID?
Nick: Prelude workouts with my work team were a unifying force, especially when COVID was at its worst point. Workouts brought us together and gave the team a sense of normalcy, and fun for that matter. Fhitting Room didn’t miss a beat with going LIVE so we didn’t miss any of the camaraderies even though we weren’t with each other in person.
Chris: The whole team at Fhitting Room made lemons out of lemonade. I wasn’t sure how to LIVE! classes would go over, but with challenges came opportunity. In person, it was always hard for me to do classes before work, so doing a class at home is a luxury now. It’s a silver lining and innovation at its best. I can get out of bed, work out, and start work at 9, no sweat. Well, a lot of sweat. But it’s just so convenient.
How has Fhitting Room helped you to live healthier lifestyles?
Nick: In the last year, we took a critical look at what we were eating, committed to 3 classes a week, and so Fhitting Room LIVE! gave us a crucial tool to not only stay in shape but getting in better shape.
Chris: I actually lost 20 lbs during the pandemic! I had never had issues with weight and then looked down and realized that I needed to make some changes. So that meant changing my diet and then supplementing that with Fhitting Room classes. Nick and I challenged ourselves to go from 2 weekly classes to 3 and just committed to healthier living hand in hand. Nick gets me into class, and I feel like I keep him motivated by being there right with him.
Where do you work out in your apartment?
Chris: We transformed our foyer into a gym. During the day it’s the entryway but on Fhitting Room days it’s cleared of strollers and becomes our fitness studio. We set it up the night before. Right, Nick?
Nick: I take care of the foyer the night before and get the computer charging.
Chris: And then if the internet’s not working, I’m on it!
How does staying FHIT impact you both as parents?
Chris: It brings me into the day with more mental clarity. Having our son JD pretty easily folded into our lives. With a baby, everything is so structured. So having our exercise regimen fits in perfectly. We know that our nanny will get to our apartment just before 8 am, from 8-8:45 we know that’s our class time, and our baby often joins us at the end to stretch. He’s infatuated with kettlebells! As soon as the gate goes up, he’s on-screen with us.
Nick: For us, everything is about structure. Staying fit helps us to be a well-oiled machine. Having scheduled workouts starts the day off great, helps us keep our energy up, and eliminates the question mark of when we’re going to get to the gym. With the baby, structure is our best friend.
Heading into summer with a 1-year-old and the city reopening around us, how do you feel?
Nick: We both are extremely bullish about the city’s future. It already feels electric. I don’t think I can do it justice as Chris can though!
Chris: We’re at the point more and more where we want that connection and association with other people. We’re feeling and seeing the city reawaken around us. You feel the energy, the vibrancy, and it’s returning fast and furious. We live in the greatest city in the world and often take it for granted. We have an extraordinary opportunity to harness everything around us and to make up for the lost time.
What would you tell someone who’s never taken a Fhitting Room class?
Chris: If I can do it, you can do it. Embrace any fear because it’s more rewarding than anything else. You don’t even have time to think so don’t get too into your own head and dive right in!
Nick: It’s so fun. You’re going to find motivation, friendship, and support. Give it a shot and turn your screen on because everyone’s going to be having fun just like you. It’s addicting in a good way and so rewarding.