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Garen’s 5 Year Anniversary!

Community • November 28, 2023

We’re so thrilled to celebrate 5 years of living FHIT with our talented FHITpro, Garen! He’s been such an important part of our FHITFam from joining our programming team to always bringing the energy and enthusiasm to every FHIX and motivating us to be our best. To celebrate this incredible milestone, we’re sharing some of Garen’s Fhitting Room journey.

1. How did you get started on your fitness journey?

I was always an athlete growing up – baseball being my main sport.  After graduating college and moving to NYC to perform, I found myself with longer periods of time between acting gigs – so I thought fitness would be a great way to fill that time, while also keeping me healthy and ready for whatever life threw at me next.

2. Why were you interested in Fhitting Room?  What do you love most about working at Fhitting Room?

My Crossfit broski, Farouk, was an instructor at Fhitting Room and I saw the joy and excitement he was bringing to the fitness space.  I took my first Fhitting Room class with him and knew that I could be an asset to the FHITfam.  From that first class, my favorite thing has always been the community – the athletes who show up day in and day out, the coaches who give their all and care deeply for their FHIXers; we have a special group of open and accepting humans within the Fhitting Room community (which continues to grow!) and it’s an honor to be a part of it.

3. Do you have a favorite Fhitting Room memory? 

There are several but the main highlight is my demo class – It was the day before Thanksgiving in 2018, I was a bit anxious but confident – and I was co-instructing with Simon Lawson (back in the two-instructor days).  The energy in that class was AMAZING.  I could feel the fun – I could feel all the hard work leading to that moment – I could feel the class vibing. It was really incredible.  And here we are 5 years later!

4.  Why would you say Fhitting Room workouts are so effective?

First, the method.  HIIT training is proven to be an insanely effective fitness-enhancing workout regime that maximizes results in a limited time. Additionally, the usage of the Kettlebell as a fitness tool is incomparable – the full body engagement, the diversity of movements, and the accessibility for athletes with varying levels of fitness – it is one of the best training tools we have as athletes. Finally, the programming team. The team involved in programming Fhitting Room workouts are professionals who have dedicated their lives to fitness – they continue to grow and evolve with the industry, are consistently experimenting with new/different training techniques, and commit to a level of excellence that is unparalleled in the fitness industry.

5. What’s your favorite movement you would find in a Fhitting Room class?

I love a Kettlebell Snatch. I think once you feel comfortable with that movement – it’s a complete game-changer.

6. Best piece of fitness advice?

Prioritize your rest, get good sleep, and hydrate.  Your fitness will skyrocket when you follow these basics.

Want to celebrate with Garen IRL? What better way than signing up for a FHIX with him!