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FHITpro Reflections from KBCU

Fitness • October 18, 2024

Some of our fantastic FHITpros spent the first weekend in October leveling up at KBCU in LA. Our team represented – Alex, Dale, Garen, and Taylor led by Eric and other KBCU coaches! – and all earned their KBCU Level 2 Coach certification after the weekend wrapped. Their takeaways from the weekend stretched beyond just the technical skills they learned through this certification, and they left with revelations and reflections that they hope can inspire and impact their training with all of you, their FHIT family! Take a moment to read through reflections from our FHITpros in their own words!

My time at the KBCU weekend was truly refreshing and inspiring. I approached the certification with a strong desire to absorb as much knowledge and context as possible, eager to translate that learning into value for my clients and classes. The KBCU program seamlessly integrates kettlebell training with elements of sports performance and barbell work, focusing on strong, powerful, mobile, and explosive movements.

One of my biggest takeaways was the well-rounded structure of the weekend. We engaged in a variety of activities, from mobility work to barbell demonstrations — something I was particularly excited about since I wanted to expand my understanding in that area. Additionally, we explored sports performance and plyometrics, which highlighted how kettlebells serve as the foundation while complementing these other training systems. This holistic approach reinforced the idea that all these modalities can (and should) be integrated to enhance the training experience for clients.

Another highlight was the incredible sense of community and energy among such an elite crew of coaches. It was uplifting to be surrounded by everyone there, each bringing unique strengths to the table. The atmosphere encouraged us to leave our egos at the door and embrace the role of a student. Learning from one another not only enriched my experience but also fostered a collaborative spirit that I found incredibly motivating.

Overall, the KBCU weekend was a transformative experience. I left feeling empowered and equipped with new tools and insights I am excited to share with my clients. The combination of practical skills and the supportive community has reignited my passion for coaching, and I can’t wait to implement what I’ve learned!

Garen performing a kettlebell swing.

When I signed up for KBCU Level 2, all I thought about was the Snatch Test (100 kettlebell snatches in 5 minutes). Will I be able to pass that test on the day of the certification? Will my endurance/strength be there?

Thankfully, I did pass! However, I would quickly learn that the Snatch Test was the smallest piece of the experience; the connection and camaraderie within the community ended up being the main event of the weekend.

Everyone in that space has dedicated part of their lives to helping others find, train, and cultivate the best version of themselves. 

Coaching is not an easy task; the physical, mental and emotional demands are very real. Thanks to Hunter and the KBCU team, being in an open, vulnerable, playful, intense, and studious space allowed for maximal growth in managing and dealing with those demands. We all grew that weekend — as coaches, as athletes, as humans.

The Snatch Test came and went, some passed and some didn’t, but the outcome mattered less than the laughs we shared, the knowledge we absorbed, and the hearts we opened TOGETHER. 

I’m very grateful for the experience and I am so honored to share what I learned with all of our FHIXers.

Alex mid-jump.

This certification was something really important for me to finish. I was training for it pre-pregnancy and for all the mommas out there you know the first trimester can truly take you down. I fought so hard to not let being pregnant slow me down, but I listened to my body and what it needed and had to slow down and give myself the grace I give so many others. When I started re-training I was so nervous I wouldn’t be able to do the same things or lift the same weight, etc. I’ve been really working on accepting this new chapter of my life and the changes my body is going through, which for anyone very active and in tune with their body is hard mentally and physically. I used this certification to show myself and my future child that it’s so important to show up for yourself, that strength is not only physical but mental as well. With support from my doctors, I trained for this certification alongside the KBCU team and Fhitting Room team and I’m very happy I did. The weekend was chock-full of knowledge and support and every single person there wanted to learn, which is so important for me. The knowledge the trainers have at Fhitting Room is the reason I fell in love with it. I always want to be pushing my brain as well as my body to be able to give that back not only to myself but also to all of the Fhitting Room clients and my own clients. This weekend was brain food but also mom fuel and I really enjoyed the entire experience. I can’t wait to bring it back to our amazing clients who also are so hungry to learn and better themselves! 

Dale holding a kettlebell in the rack position.

KBCU was an awesome experience that goes beyond the education of kettlebell skill development. The 20-week course allows you to demand time for yourself and your own personal growth outside the hustle and bustle of our daily grinds. It allows opportunity to learn and commit to a practice that is shared amongst a cohort of equally enthusiastic and passionate individuals. I left the course with a sharper skill set, a clearer understanding on how to streamline my coaching, and most importantly a whole bunch of gratitude for my existing and new kettlebell community! The energy and support is unmatched.

This two-day certification tested kettlebell skillsets, strength, endurance, and each coach’s ability to coach others. But this was more than just another kettlebell certification. This weekend was about being around like-minded coaches from all over the country, with no egos, and connecting on a deeper level.
I am very lucky to be a part of this journey with these coaches, as I had a front row seat to the FHIT FAB 4 (Alex, Taylor, Dale, & Garen) all pass their tests and become closer as friends. I have so much love and respect for them as they continue to do hard things, always striving to be better coaches and all-around great humans. Mentoring these fine coaches for the last couple of years has made me realize how lucky I am. My job as a coach is to illuminate them so they can shine brighter and pass it on to others. They give me meaning every day I come to work, and that fills my cup. I appreciate them for giving me the opportunity to be part of their story because at the end it won’t be all the certifications or seminars that we’ll remember…

As Maya Angelou said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

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