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Ways You Can Make a Positive Impact on MLK Day!

Community • January 15, 2021

This Martin Luther King Jr. Day we want to share some meaningful ways you can make a positive impact and help honor MLK’s legacy. While these are activities we should partake in year-round, we hope this inspires you to make a difference today!

1. Educate yourself on why this day is important and all the great work MLK accomplished.

2. Volunteer your time to your Community.
Everyone can be great because everybody can serve.” – MLK

Rather than just another day off, MLK day is recognized as a special day of service. With the global pandemic our communities can use our help more than ever. Use this time to spread MLK’s legacy of compassion for helping others. Find an opportunity to serve your community today as well as opportunities for the future. 

3. Start Important Conversations
MLK said it best himself when he said “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” It is important to think about ways to continue the conversation beyond this one day. If you’re a parent it’s never too early to bring up these conversations.

4. Donate
There are so many amazing organizations continuing the legacy of MLK that strive for equality and racial justice. Even the smallest amount can go a long way.

We hope you take this day to reflect and continue the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. You can also head to our Instagram to hear some members of our team share what MLK Day means to them.

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